Philosophy River Trips

Choose from a variety of river trips for philosophical dialgoues in awe-inspiring places.  Trips are chartered with experienced, professional companies who supply the gear and raft operator/guide. Our guides lead thoughtful dialogues and contemplative practices.

The Grand Questions Colorado River trip

226-277 miles with calm water and white water rapids, starting from Flagstaff, AZ, with bus ride return.

The Colorado River through Cataract Canyon, Utah (4 days)

100 mile motor trip with whitewater rapids starting from Moab, UT, with bus ride return.

The Green River through Desolation Canyon, Utah (5 days)

84 miles mostly calm water on a piloted oar raft (inflatable kayak option) starting from Moab, UT with small plane flight to river start.

The San Juan River, Utah (1-10 days)

Bluff to Mexican Hat, 26 miles/1-5 days.

Mexican Hat to Clay Hills, 58 miles/4-5 days.

Bluff to Clay Hills, 84 miles/ 7-10 days (includes rafting through the iconic segment of Goosenecks State Park).

The Salt River, Arizona (1-5 days)

51 miles in paddle rafts through calm water and white water rapids starting near Globe, AZ and ending at Roosevelt Reservoir.

call or text 928-380-1682